UFO and Paranormal News - 1977: Retired flight attendant reports chevron-shaped craft http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/1977-retired-flight-attendant-reports-chevron-shaped-craft/ A retired Arizona flight attendant came forward October 4, 2010, to report having watched a "chevron-shaped craft with 5 to 6 lights on the underside" while driving along I-10 between Lordsburg, NM, and Wilcox, AZ, sometime between 1977 and 1979, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."I saw an object flying parallel to the freewa Read Morey which was going approximately 90 mph," the witness stated. "It was about one-third to one-half mile off the freeway with an altitude of appoximately 1,000 feet. It was twilight. The sun had... Thu, 07 Oct 2010 18:49:54 UTC en