UFO and Paranormal News - 2008: Triangle UFO was 'elegant' moving silently over Maryland sky http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/2008-triangle-ufo-was-elegant-moving-silently-over-maryland-sky/ A Maryland witness woke up one November 2008 night and got a good look at a 300-foot triangle UFO silently gliding just 50 to 75 feet over a condo roof, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database."My best description of what I saw was that it "slid" through the air rather than flew," the witness stated. "It was simply elegan Read Moret to watch. It was far too large and heavy to be held aloft by air passing over air foils as do all conventional aircraft that I am aware of. It was moving so slowly that some other technology had to be... Sun, 10 Oct 2010 11:19:45 UTC en