UFO and Paranormal News - Alain took pictures of possible chemtrails in the skies of Toulouse where UFOs appear http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/alain-took-pictures-of-possible-chemtrails-in-the-skies-of-toulouse-where-ufos-appear/ Alain took pictures of possible chemtrails in the skies of Toulouse when UFOs appear   From the top: Photo by Alain September 11, 2010 at H 26. The second picture was also taken September 11, 2010 10 H 50. It was in Toulouse. The aircraft used is an E 5700. A Big Thanks to Alain who just send us their information with attache Read Mored photos via email.  read more Mon, 27 Sep 2010 19:56:09 UTC en