UFO and Paranormal News - Texas commercial pilot reports multiple egg-shaped UFOs moving in formation http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/texas-commercial-pilot-reports-multiple-egg-shaped-ufos-moving-in-formation/ A Texas commercial pilot reports watching silver-white, egg-shaped objects in the sky over Tomball two days in a row, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.On September 25, 2010, an object was spotted at 4:20 p.m. over Highway 59 that "did not appear to be a helicopter" and "occasionally it would flash a bright red (similar to a flare. Read More)""I watched the object for almost 10 minutes as it went through some cumulous clouds," the witness reported. "As it did, the clouds seemed to 'open up' arround it. I... Wed, 29 Sep 2010 21:46:56 UTC en