UFO and Paranormal News - Texas UFO witness gets second chance to video anomalous object http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/texas-ufo-witness-gets-second-chance-to-video-anomalous-object/ The UFO heckler is a persistent monster these days when a witness admits watching an anomaly for more than 15 or 20 minutes and yet, produces no still images or video. Everyone has video capability on their cell phones these days, they say, so why no photographic proof?When you point the hot light over a witness and good cop-bad cop them - the answer is generally the same.The witness w Read Moreas afraid the UFO would move away, so tracking down, setting up, and actually shooting an image of the object was not an option. The sighting was just too spectacular to walk away from. And I don't know... Sun, 29 Aug 2010 16:25:48 UTC en