UFO and Paranormal News - The Cajun connection to Rennes Chateau Mystery : The Holy Grail http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/the-cajun-connection-to-rennes-chateau-mystery--the-holy-grail/ I have been researching the great mystery of Rennes Chateau for a few years and have brought the mystery in France to America. I believe the Cajuns brought their legends and myths from their home Acadia (Arcadia) otherwise named Nova Scotia. In the stained glass windows of Saint Louis Cathedral in New Orleans this legend is possibly shown. Noel Corbu has told of the story that the priest Sauniere Read Morefound parchments concerning Blanche Castile's treasure. He reports this to La Depeche du Midi. Noel dies in a car crash 1968. Sun, 07 Mar 2010 09:27:49 UTC en