UFO and Paranormal News - UFO Congress convention landed in Laughlin Yesterday, Feb. 21, 2010 http://www.ufoandparanormalnews.com/Government-Stories/ufo-congress-convention-landed-in-laughlin-yesterday-feb--21-2010/ Researchers and interested humans from around planet Earth will arrive at the Colorado River border of Arizona and Nevada later this month to encounter the mysteries, theories, evidence and possible answers about UFOs. The 19th annual International UFO Congress Convention & Film Festival will be held in Laughlin, Nevada, from Feb. 21 through Feb. 27 at the Aquarius Casino Resort. Dozens of U.S.-ba Read Moresed and international speakers with expertise in the field of alleged extraterrestrial visitation to Earth will give presentations throughout the week. Topics will include perspectives on the nature of ET encounters with the human race, U.S. and international defense and intelligence activities related to ET visitation, advanced technologies linked to ET contact and a range of related elements involved in these intriguing areas of research and widespread interest. Mon, 08 Mar 2010 20:26:36 UTC en