Scott Carpenter passed on October 10th, 2013. He was the second American to orbit the Earth in 1962, but his flight into space was riddled with technical problems; the nation waited anxiously to see i
David Hemming, a reporter for the Cumbrian News and Star/The Cumberland News, contacted me on 8th October 2013 asking for my opinion, with regards to a bizarre UFO sighting in the English Lake Distric
Comet Ison named after International Scientific Optical Network by two Russians Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok who belonged to the organization discovered the comet in September 2012.
Scott Corrales contributes a chapter to the new Global Communications release called “Entering The Dark Realms Of The Ultra-Terrestrials.” He writes about underground cities where the abductor fiends
I am sure that you are aware that Area 51 has practically been shut down due to government shutdown.
Ufo photos taken near Puy de Sancy analyzed by Thierry Chauvet
There are some incredible stories, and this is one of them. So incredible that not even I believe it, but the facts are there and I am not going to change them, no matter how skeptical one may be.
There are few things in our world that have challenged our scientists and theologians more than the phenomenon of UFOs, which recently have been considered a part of our history. This includes ancient