Carey and Schmitt's new investigative work begins where their previous best-selling book Witness to Roswell leaves off. From the high desert of New Mexico to the inner sanctum of the most secure...
A martial obligation of the House of Lords was to shield the British Crown from burden or blame. The entrée of the Illuminati served a strategic goal in this state of affairs.
I would like to share some interesting photos I got from the Mars Curiosity Rover raw image website. They show what appears to be some kind of hole that an animal might use to access the surface when
I read a very interesting entry that came from a reader of the Fate Magazine. This Fate reader had written in to the magazine about a personal...
They have not walked on the moon according to this video. What do you think?
The National Institute For Discovery Sciences (NIDS) (headed by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow, who also owns Bigelow Aerospace) reportedly had made an investigation earlier (ca. 1998) regarding
In the past few months rumors have swirled that members of the Roswell investigation team (this author included) had become aware of two photographic slides depicting an alien humanoid creature:
A plane with 500 passengers on board coming into London’s Heathrow Airport has been struck by two bolts of lightning.The incident was captured on vid
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