Since the first UFO report in 1947 by Kenneth Arnold, there have been countless UFO sightings, thousands of pictures have been taken, miles of video
I was somewhat startled, and literally taken aback when my "sources" revealed to me that evolution, at least as I understood the term as it applies t
I was somewhat startled, and literally taken aback when my "sources" revealed to me that evolution, at least as I understood the term as it applies t
Suppressing UFO/ET truth is like breaking a vase and shattering it into many small fragments. Making matters even worse dis-informers and con artis
If Climategate, H1N1's recent mutation, a threatened world economy, and a potentially emerging world government aren't big enough stories these days
The idea of a base on the Moon fascinates me. As do artifacts that have been found and photographed on the Moon. From these artifacts, we can enter
In the spring of 2001 I was living in Richmond, Virginia, at the Laurel Pines Apartment complex on Audibon Road. This is located about 400 yards fro
When modern science becomes a victim of the tabloid press or sensational media eager to keep the adrenalin fix flowing to maintain their readers and