The LCROSS spacecraft. Courtesy NASA. Wow, does time fly? It's hard to believe that is has been almost four months sin
LACROSS UPDATE - IT HIT BUILDINGS ON THE MOON! I previously reported on LCROSS and that NASA really had no reas
AP photo of Falcon with Father UPDATE - What follows is a chronology of the "balloon boy" story. Since he was found in th
Photo Courtesy of Sacred Spirit Tours Website TITLE: SACRED MONTAUK JOURNEY® "Rise of the
Photo Courtesy of Sacred Spirit Tours Website TITLE: The Montauk ProjectWHEN: October 23, 2009, Friday
A large scale UFO sighting has been reported by media outlets in Lebanon. The public was first alerted to this UFO incident by the television show LB
GREASE star Olivia Newton-John has revealed that she is fascinated by unidentified flying objects - and has even seen a UFO.
Recently, some internet discussions concerning my project's UFO studies with electronic and optical instruments have been appearing. Those postings,
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