This week Paranormal writer Brad Steiger reports on werewolves and Benicio Del Toro's new movie "Return of the Werewolf." UFO Digest puts our spotlight on Michael Cristol, a UFO and paranormal investigator. Then, Raul Nunez reports on the Chilean Military and UFOs and Scott Corrales suggests we Beware The Cosmic Cue Balls! Next, Anthony Bragalia writes that many knew of the Roswell crash prior to 1980! Sean Casteel examines Dana Howard the famous female contactee. Regular contributor Ed Komarek submits part 2 of his series on integraion into the ET reality. Chris Holly wonders if we are clueless when it comes to history and also explores psychic connections. Nigel Kerner wonders if our fathers came from spaceships? Finally, Mary Alice Bennett is back with another paranormal panther sighting! Enjoy Dirk