A week or so ago, I saw that an author had revisited one of the classics of the paranormal, The Mad Gasser of Mattoon, Illinois, in which a mysterious figure terrified the population of the small...
For any reader interested in finding a connection between the slayings of animals attributed to creatures known as “Chupacabras” and the UFO phenomenon, the simplest procedure would consist in scan...
The King James Bible (that particularly malicious translation so beloved by most Christian fundamentalists) holds a dangerously crazy section, which in mystifying and indistinct lingo uses parable...
Tim Beckley, the CEO of Inner Light/Global Communications, has always had a healthy interest in helping his customers make their personal spiritual journey to some kind of positive, joyful outcome. ..
Reports of low-flying UFOs near ground level continue to be reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). Here are reports made within the past week that remain under investigation.New York family at campfire shocked when UFO appears nearbyNew...
A Wright County, MO, radio station employee filed a report for a local listener who experienced a recent cattle mutilation, according to July 28, 2014, testimony in Case 58460 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.&ldquo...
The mountainous area located between the communities of Aznalcollar - El Alamo - El Castillo de las Guardas, amid the Sierra Morena, corresponds to a vast woodland area that extends some 6000 hectares
We are who we have been waiting for on this planet. We are the Alien ET UFO Generation. We were born in a time called the "Baby Boomer Generation" and now our children are the "Crystal-Indigo Generati
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