Paranormal Activity is an independent horror film written and directed by Oren Peli. The first glimpse of the movie was at the Screamfest Film Festiv
The difference between those who frequently see aliens and other, so-called, paranormal events is not luck or coincidence, but rather the state of mi
New Mexico ranches are some of the most spectacular in the country. But one spead of land there holds a special distinction. It is said that in July
Orson Welles was an American film director, writer, actor and producer. Welles is held with high esteem as one of the most accomplished dramatic arti
Now, from the video above: look at this area in this large crater at the top and the middle of the photo, hours 4 minutes 50 4 minutes 56 ... O"STS-8
What we are experiencing today politically in the form of the globalization of the world's countries into an integrated one-world government through
Angels was a word for beings that come from the heavens. We understood that there was one leader of the Gods and that there is a recorded history of
The Horde
god (#1) 5422 days ago Government Stories the horde All
Thousands of reliable witnesses including doctors, teachers, policemen, pilots, and high-ranking military officials have described encounters with al
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