A sharp increase in UFO activity in 1977-1978 (especially, the Petrozavodsk Case) had forced appropriate departments within the USSR Academy of Scien
The 42 toy English fox terriers were found inside a 5 x 9 trailer with an unidentified woman. Authorities said the woman believed the dogs were dying
Its showdown time for the man accused of hacking into US military computers to retrieve data on UFO’s.

UFO fever has taken hold of a Suffolk town.

In July 1947, amateur pilot Kenneth Arnold made the first widely reported sighting of a UFO in the United States. His sighting of nine strange object
When Neal Herbert bought a new camera he tried a few night-time shots in Norwich- and found something he wasn't expecting.
Melbourne, Dec 11 (ANI): In the latest UFO riddle to grip Australia, a reader has spotted what appears to be a flying saucer hovering directly above
TERRITORY UFO spotter Alan Ferguson says that mysterious objects have returned to the skies above his Top End property.
A UFO expert hopes to convince sceptics the truth really is out there.
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