A Colorado witness reports a "black triangular object with three lights on two sides moved north to south with no sounds" and then directly
A Henderson, NV, witness reports an "equilateral triangle with amber corner lights" moved overhead silently under 500 feet about 7:50 p.m.
Two Indiana sisters driving on unfamiliar country road 101 E. through Carbon after dark encountered an object floating just a few feet off the ground
The UFO Traffic Report for Wednesday, October 19, 2011, includes a rectangular-shaped object over Florida; a Colorado witness describing an object as
A Colorado witness standing outside at 7:30 p.m., October 18, 2011, reports watching a silent, "triangular-shaped blob moving through the sky&qu
A Munster, IN, witness would like identification to a "blimp or disc-shaped object with red flashing lights on top and bottom" seen at 6 p.
A Nebraska couple traveling along Highway 80 at mile marker 335 report seeing "a flash that looked like lightening" followed by "giant
A Minnesota witness reports watching a "bright white, star-sized object" drop out of a cloud, expand to 10 times its original size for 15 s
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